Trimble RealWorks 12.3.3


Trimble RealWorks 12.3.3

New Features and Enhancements
Data Management
Description New or
Feature Overview Benefit/Comments
Send to Revit® Enh The software now creates native Autodesk
Revit® flanges and valves, giving access to
the whole set of Revit® tools
Resolved Issues
ZFS import: fixed issue with leveled scans which caused registration inaccuracies
ZFS import: fixed orientation, scans were rotated by 90° around the vertical axis
Create Sampled Scans: fixed crash when project was linked to missing TZF scan files
Send to Revit®: fixed crash in Revit® plugin when the import options were not filled
Imaging Ortho-Projection: fixed random endless processing
Cloud-Based Registration: fixed dropdown issue when merging several groups
Import and Register: fixed instabilities when some scans are missing in the proje
